Self Portrait, pastel, artist's collection
Scottish Artist Ian Miller was born in Dundee in February, 1941. He was educated at Lawside Academy, and, in 1959, he started his professional training at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, where he specialised in drawing and painting. In that field his principal mentors were Alberto Morrocco, Gordon Cameron and David McClure.
He was awarded a travelling scholarship in 1962, which enabled him to visit Paris and London and provided him with his first opportunity to see the work of the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists. Meanwhile collections closer to home provided opportunities to discover the Glasgow Boys and the Scottish Colourists, all of these influential, if not in any obvious, direct way.
Post Art School his serious and regular pursuit of painting was interrupted by a thirty-eight year career in art teaching. The demands of teaching, especially after his appointment to the post of principal teacher, rather reduced his creative output to sporadic, school-holiday bursts of activity. “Therapy” and simple relaxation were found in other, quite different areas, most especially music.
He returned to a sustained practice of his craft only upon his retirement from teaching in 2002, much facilitated by the installation of a garden studio. Initially drawn back to the decorative element of still life, more recently landscape has provided an additional area of interest. In that genre he has found stimulating subjects not only locally, in the Carse of Gowrie, but also farther afield, in the South of France, Italy and as far away as Victoria, Australia, where his son and daughter-in-law live.
Recently, too, he has worked extensively with pastel as an alternative to oil paint, enjoying the richness, the subtlety and the atmospheric nuances of this medium.
Some of Ian's paintings are available as high quality giclée prints
Background: detail, Glen Almond
© Copyright Ian G. Miller
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